Huis Spitskop
Huis Spitskop Old Age Home
The Home Fundraising Needs Contact us The HomeIn recent years the care of the elderly has been highlighted extensively through various legislative guidelines and other protocols internationally and nationally and a call for decisive action was made to follow the road of reconciliation and problem solving.
A significant milestone in the history of ageing in South Africa was reached with the signing of the Older Persons Act
(Act 13 of 2006) into law during October 2006. The Act highlights the contribution of civil society in the protection and the promotion of the rights of Older Persons.
It is therefore reliant on institutions like Huis Spitskop to provide the necessary safety net to ensure dignity, respect, advancing self-worth, family and community care and support to older persons in Murraysburg and its surrounding areas.
Huis Spitskop was established by the Dutch Reformed Church Synod, and the memorial plaque revealed by the late Mrs F Siebert, wife of the late Ds JH Siebert on 6 March 1981. Thereafter, Huis Spitskop was registered as a non-profit organization on 5 July 1999 followed by the registration on 12 February 2014 as a residential facility to accommodate 52 older persons at the level of providing frail care. Currently, Huis Spitskop is undergoing a restructuring process whereby the facility was donated to the Governing Body by the Dutch Reformed Church Synod and the processes of revising the constitution and the development of policies and procedures are unfolding. Like with every new process, it becomes essential to make certain changes and the Governing Body summoned the process of appointing a new manager and assistant manager to tackle the many challenges facing Huis Spitskop. Mrs Raylene van der Merwe was appointed as the new manager and Ms Patty Mac Pherson as the Assistant Manager with effect from 1 February 2017. As a non-profit organisation, Huis Spitskop and its sustainable future of providing care to the elderly and frail, relies heavily on government funding as well as donations and other support from the public and business entities. The Murraysburg community has always been very supportive over the years in this
regard and the fundraising events throughout the year provides a unique opportunity to address specific needs for the improvement of the residential facility.
FundraisingThis year (2017) will be no different and apart from the normal annual fundraising events additional fundraising opportunities are investigated. Huis Spitskop is currently undergoing a revamp and the upgrading of the frail care centre has been prioritized as critical which will be the made focus for improvement for the 2017/18 financial year. The revamp activities in this area includes the following:
- Painting of the frail care centre in total (Paint colours have been chosen and quotations obtained) (already started with prep-work)
- Replacing all baths and safety support in all bathrooms
- Placement of hand wash basins in all toilets
- Overall revamp of the sluice room (critical)
- Tiling of floor areas
- Purchasing of new hospital beds, mattresses and bedside cabinets (critical)
- Purchasing of new linen and curtains (critical)
- Upgrading of all electrical wiring
- Upgrading of all cleaning and washroom equipment
- Upgrading of the living room in the frail care centre
- Purchasing of water dispensers and TV
- Panel Heaters for rooms
- Garden seating area
- Curtain rails for all rooms (1.50m, 2.50m, 3,50m) (critical)
- Mobile blood pressure machine
- Mobile toilets
- Medical equipment – haemoglobin metres, temperature metres, medical trollies, medical cabinets, etc.
- Upgrading of warm water system of the facility.
Fundraising Events
May 15: Jagkompetisie – more info
October 17: Spitskop 4x4 Fundraising – more info
The Governing Body, management, personnel and residents are extremely thankful for the continuous support received from the caring Murraysburg community and other partners and expresses extreme gratitude towards all for their contributions, small or big, as a team effort of building Huis Spitskop into an institution that stands proud it its vision to become a preferred residential facility for the elderly.
Additional list of needs:
- Structural renovations of outside buildings (flats). (painting, new flooring, new kitchen cabinets, layout changes, electrical, etc)
- Proper fencing (electrical fencing).
- Complete security system, electronic gate systems and access control systems.
- Revamp of the intercom system.
- Complete camera system and projector.
- Upgrading of gardens.
- Painting of the building on the outside.
- Establishment of a recreational area for elderly activities programme.
- Establishment of a personnel rest room and smokers room.
- Industrial baking equipment (Stove, pots, pans etc.)
- Revamp of the kitchen area related to equipment, workbenches, overall workflow design.
- Revamp of dining room and living room.
- Total revamp of all curtaining.
- Installation of air conditioners in hall ways.
- Purchasing of new industrial washers, dryers, ironing machines.
- Purchasing of industrial dishwasher for kitchen.
- Dry racks and wash basins for kitchen (according to Health norms and standards).
- Development of a website for Huis Spitskop.
- Purchasing of new dining chairs, table cloths etc.
- All equipment and signs as prescribed by Occupational Health and Safety Act.
- Revamp of reception area.
- Revamp and furnishing of the hair salon.
- Establishment of library and reading facility.
- Purchasing of garden equipment e.g lawn mower, weed eater, wheelbarrows, etc.
- Cleaning trolleys.
- Safety clothing.
- Fridge/freezer and microwave oven
- Upgrading of warm water system of the facility.
- Purchasing of 16 Seater Combi for recreational activities.

Frail Care (Siekeboeg): +27 76 732 4122.